Tell Me What Clouds Are

A catalog of clouds.
An atlas in reverse where the above becomes the below:
The sky becomes ocean, and the clouds become islands.
Changing maps of imaginary horizons.


Clouds morphology, a catalog of possible horizons.
The skies are oceans and the clouds are islands which, like drifting rafts, interrupt their continuity.
An atlas in reverse, where what is above becomes below and what is light becomes dark.
Changing horizons, some changing rapidly like clouds whipped by the winter wind, others changing placidly, as on a quiet and soft summer afternoon.
Each photograph is an imaginary map: you can see the small mountains, a river that goes around the last hill, and here is the coast bathed in another sky.
Photographing clouds is the impossibility of defining with a static image something that is not static, the impossibility of defining the shape of what does not have a defined shape.